This could legitimately have been the most important week for the future of this Great Country in decades, or ever. It’s been a week of incredibly important Supreme Court opinions, that actually turns much of this government back under the control of the Constitution of these united States. More on this down the page. Then we had the most one-sided Presidential “Debate” that we’ve ever seen. The fallout from that event has turned this whole election cycle further on its head. And then yesterday, July 1, 2024, we saw a “political opponent” of the current regime, put in prison for nothing but his political activities. Let’s get started.
As we kept seeing SCOTUS roll out opinion after opinion since last Wednesday, the true Constitutional Conservative foundation of our top Court was highlighted. To us the 3 biggest cases were 1)LOPER BRIGHT ENTERPRISES et all v. RAIMONDO, SECRETARY OF COMMERCE et, also known as the “Chevron Doctrine” case, 2)FISCHER v. UNITED STATES, also known as the “Defining of Obstruction” case & 3) TRUMP v. UNITED STATES, also known as the “Presidential Immunity” case. While these are what we see as the 3 highest profile cases, they are only 3 of a dozen plus major opinions decided by the Court in this term.
In LOPER BRIGHT ENTERPRISES v. RAIMONDO, this Court decided that the “Adminstrative State”, which has grown exponentially every since the “Chevron Doctrine” was established decades ago. The basis of Chevron was that if Congress produced a law, that included regulations and also added penalties, and those penalties weren’t specified in the law, then the regulatory body went to their internal “judges” and set those penalties. It provided the bureaucrats in those regulatory bodies, almost unbridled power to set penalties and punish offenders based on their interpretation of the law, or their own personal political objective. This Court saw this as a violation of the proper due process guaranteed under the Constitution, and any of these situations going forward must be adjudicated in a proper Court of Law.
In FISCHER v. UNITED STATES, this Court issued an opinion narrowing the definition of “Obstructing a Government Procedure”. This is critical because the previous interpretation is at the root of many of the January 6 Political Prisoners’ (our term) Felony charges and expanded charges of “insurrection”. What this ruling does, as Constitutional expert Jonathan Turley laid out in his excellent writing, transformed the “insurrection” to actually be “trespassing”. Here’s a link to Mr. Turley’s excellent article for your convenience-
And in the 3rd of these monumental rulings, TRUMP v. UNITED STATES, the Court established that a President has Criminal Immunity based on his Constitutional Official Actions as President. This ruling doesn’t give blanket immunity carte blanche, but it moves it back to the Lower Courts to determine what is, or isn’t, an Official Action. This ruling will make the Special Prosecutor in President Trump’s case go back to the Lower Court to establish if the actions he’s attempting to hold President Trump guilty of committing, were or weren’t Official Actions. The Syllabus of these 3 cases, as well as the rest of the opinions from this Court Session can be seen here-
Moving on to subject #2, the June 27, 2024 CNN Presidential “Debate”, a.k.a. Q & A Discussion. After weeks of anticipation and discussion leading up to this event, in our opinion, it turned into a total s#it-show for the current sitting President, and a total slam-dunk by former President Trump. From the start it was apparent that President Biden was up on stage well after his bedtime. As he stared blankly off into space and mumbled, in many cases, almost unintelligible “answers” to the questions he was asked, to the level that even for the most loyal MAGA supporter had to have empathy for him. In our opinion Dr. Jill Biden is an “Elder Abuser” for even allowing him to participate. And to that point, he was so bad that it totally took away from the excellent performance by President Trump, who was right on point the whole evening. And the polling done in just 3 days has shown this.
Then there’s the 3rd subject, the “Lawfare” incarceration of former Trump advisor, Stephen K. Bannon, on a totally unjustifiable charge of “Contempt of Congress”, for his refusing to submit to the illegally assembled scam “January 6 Select Committee”. Anyone with half a brain knows this is nothing but retributive election interference. Just look at the timing. It removes one of President Trump’s loudest and most effective campaign and media supporters from his broadcast megaphone for the most crucial 4 months of the campaign. But we’re sure this is just an inconvenient coincidence. And as the sign behind Stephen in the WARROOM says, “There are NO conspiracies, but there are NO coincidences.”
In closing, regardless of which side of the Democrat/Republican, Progressive/Conservative divide you stand, there is no question that the week of June 25th to July 1st, 2024, will be one of historic proportions for the next several decades. And as we move toward Independence Day this week, I hope that all of my fellow U.S. Citizens will understand that what happened this week, couldn’t have happened without the work and sacrifice of our Founders who 248 years ago, through God’s Divine Inspiration and Intervention, declared our Independence and established this Grand Republic.
God Bless America! And America, PLEASE Bless God Again!!