Moving ahead in our State Budget negotiations, the North Carolina General Assembly is pushing forward with expanding the “Opportunity Scholarship” program in the State. The “Chicken Little” screaming and teeth-gnashing from the Educrats, and Educratic Combines, is nearing a deafening level of volume. Why do the Educrats so hate the idea that a parent may think they know what’s better for their child(ren) than the “experts”? Are they scared that “Parent’s Choice” will break their 50+ year indoctrination industry monopoly, and possibly start reversing their plan to “dumb-down” each next generation to be compliant little serfs?
I mean really, “How could just ‘normal parents’ be intelligent enough to make decisions about their child(ren)’s future and education?” Don’t they recognize that one of the reasons colleges and universities have expanded exponentially, over the last 5 decades, is to produce the education experts and specialists, that can tell the parent(s) what is best for their child(ren)? And amazingly, it’s always the government (public) schools. At this point I believe the important question is, “How’s that all working out for our Society and our Culture”? Well, my observations say, “Not too good”.
It must be a very serious problem, I mean our Governor, Ol’ Ray Pooper-Scooper has issued that there’s a “State of Emergency” for NC Public Schools in response to this “Parent’s Choice” disaster. As I read more articles, like this one in EdNC this week, , I’m convinced We The People must sit down, and shut up, and let the modern Educrats continue to destroy the next generation, through their modern palaces of indoctrination. I mean, education. Sorry, Freudian slip there.
The truth is, the more the “Educratic Combines” have expanded, the less prepared for life each subsequent generation has become. Don’t believe me? Just ask any person involved in the hiring of people for real jobs. I have a friend who is the Human Resources Manager for a large and well respected international manufacturer. We were talking about this whole situation recently and he told me this, “I will hire a 50+ year old high school graduate before a 30 year old college graduate, and pay them more.” “Why?”, I asked. “Because, in general, they have better practical knowledge and work ethic. And they believe that to get paid they should show up and work when they’re supposed to.” Strange, huh?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure there are good, smart, hard-working young people out there. I know some of them. But from all I hear and see out in the real World of the manufacturing sector, they’re getting fewer and farther between regularly. And we can’t point at anything other than the ever-increasing centralization of the education industry and the removal of parent(s) from the process. Anyone who has been paying attention has seen the direct efforts by the Educrats to remove the parent(s) from the classroom over the last 30+ years. If COVID hadn’t exposed, to the parent(s), what was really being “taught” to their child(ren), they would be much further along in their quest for destruction. And we’re now seeing the “benefits” of their efforts. And unfortunately, not just in the schools, but in the work force.
So, as we listen to the cries of destruction from the Educrats of America, let’s cheer those who would return the power to the parent(s) to decide what they believe is best for their child(ren). I believe the responsibility of government is to provide the parent(s) with serious data, information and facts on ALL their school choices. And then get out of the way and let the parent(s), parent, as the “Laws of Nature and Nature’s God” has designed and empowered them to. Power to the Parent(s), not to the machines of government.
God Bless America!! And America, PLEASE Bless God Again!!