As we approach one of the two most Holy days of our Christian calendar, and we reflect back on this last year, I’m going to take a “Point of Personal Privilege”.
On CHRISTmas Eve 2020, I had a visit with Congestive Heart Failure in my carport, and the ambulance driver informed that I had stopped breathing for 3-1/2 minutes, a lot of things were put in to proper perspective. I am fully recovered, thanks to the GREAT people at the Sanger Heart and Vascular Institute in Charlotte and Shelby, and the GREAT people at Atrium in Shelby, and ~80# lighter than I was before “my event”. I’m here because I’m convinced God wasn’t through with me and My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ brought me my CHRISTmas present a day early. (I just never knew that He used an ambulance for a delivery vehicle :-)) This is now part of my mission to share this testimony with any who will listen.
So today, on the 4th anniversary of my “event”, I just want to say “Thank You” to all of you who shared your sincere thoughts, and your powerful prayers, that I know played a part in my still being here. Moving into the new year, I will be getting back in the full swing of moving The Patriots Business Alliance to become your go to resource for finding Conservative Owned/Operated Businesses, so you can “Vote With Your Dollars To Save THE Republic”. I hope that you and your family and friends, have wonderful and joyous holiday season, and Merry CHRISTmas and Happy New Year to all of you!!
Till Next Year,
Guy R. Smith, Founder and Partner,
God Bless America! And America, Please Bless God Again!