As we move forward in the Restoration of the Republic (def: Republic- noun- (1): a government in which supreme power resides in a body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by elected officers and representatives responsible to them and governing according to law (2): a political unit ,such as a nation, having such a form of government), what do the next steps look like? No one knows for sure but this is what logic and reality tells me.
I believe that the “Underground” Cash and Barter economy will continue to grow, and then begin to grow exponentially. As the national government and the Federal Reserve continue to destroy the real value of the currency, the value of tangible goods and services will grow relative to the “official” currency. Alternative financial vehicles like Bit-Coin are just in their infancy and will proliferate.
And as more pieces of the puzzle go “off the grid”, the central (national) government will become more irrelevant as its growing incompetence continues to accelerate. And more and more of the private sector will just disregard big national government proclamations as the national government proves again and again that it is not functionally capable to do what it says it will do, or enforce its proclamations. The move of governance will be back to greater localism as the ability for the national government to “bribe” localities and States to comply recedes. We The People will continue to reassess the basic values system and the implementation of “community standards” will become more defiant of national dictates.
First, will be the schools. We must take back local control of our schools and “cast out” the centric-focused educrats who are undermining the very idea of community standards that our Society is supposed to be built upon. For instance, if the Citizens who live in a metropolitan area like Charlotte-Mecklenburg choose to proliferate the “social” ideas of the atheists, agnostics and deists in their schools that is their choice. But don’t use the power of the courts and financial coercion to tell us we have to do the same in a more suburban and rural Christian Faith-based majority area like Cleveland County where I live. This has nothing to do with “curriculum”. The teaching of basic educational skills (reading, writing, arithmetic, physics, theoretical and actual scientific function, real history) can be taught within both systems without injecting the social “group think” bias.
Second, will be the “de-coupling” in many ways from the national government and the reinstitution of our designed “Vertical Separation” of governments. This will include re-evaluating, and eliminating or ignoring, big central government rules and regulations. I’m not advocating “anarchy”, but a return to basic common sense from the localities up, instead groupthink mass stupidity from the national government down.
Do you really need a national government regulation to establish that “Putting Your Hands or Feet Under the Deck of a Running Lawnmower is Unsafe and Dangerous”? Or telling you, a Parent, what is or isn’t acceptable to send to school with your child for lunch? Or any of the other thousands of places where the national government has illegally and unconstitutionally chosen to intervene in your Life and your Liberty?
I don’t know about you, but I don’t really need a “Nanny”. But I would like to have basic Public Services that work. And there is no question that those are best provided by my local government WITHOUT any national government intervention or intrusion. There’s a revolution going on all around US and the Founders would encourage each and every one of US to join against the tyranny of the national government. It’s time. Are you ready?
God Bless America!! And America, Bless God Again!!