Note: The Patriots Business Alliance is a non-Partisan organization.
On Thursday, March 3, 2016, former Presidential loser, Governor Mittens Romney, appeared on stage at the University of Utah and announced it was time for the quadrennial Republican Circular Firing Squad to commence firing. Now whatever minor shreds of honor and dignity Mr. Romney still possessed after running such a miserable Presidential Campaign in 2012, are gone. In a campaign against a totally failed President Obama, he failed at a level not seen before in modern political campaigns.
So what would a loser of such epic proportions do for an encore? Well, maybe what can be considered the dumbest political maneuver in the last 30 years, call out all of the rifles to form the 2016 GOP circular firing squad. On this morning of the next, of WAY too many, 2016 Presidential debates, he takes to the stage to make the point that We The People are just too damned stupid to know what we are doing when it come to selecting the Republican Presidential nominee. He does this by verbally assaulting Mr. Donald J Trump, the clear front-runner in the 2016 GOP Presidential Pageant Primary season. He thinks he needed to do this to make sure that we dumb plebes don’t screw up his, and the rest of the Fat Cat Republican’s, club. Are you kidding me?
The unadulterated “half-truth” crap he threw out today should make a 5th Grader embarrassed. Benjamin Franklin explained this phenomenon in his 1758 Edition of the Poor Richards Almanack when said, and I quote “Half a truth is often a great lie”. Mittens rolled out, time after time, half-truth after half-truth about Mr. Trump’s record and what he has said. Any “quote”, told out of context, is not really a quote, but a total smear if that’s how the presenter chooses to use it. This was EXACTLY what Mittens Romney did today in his address. I’m now embarrassed that I encouraged my friends to support Mittens in 2012.
So, what happens now? I’m pretty certain that the result of Mittens saying, that We The People are too stupid to make our own decision on who we support in this Presidential Pageant Primary, will back-fire all over him. And I’m certain that it will also back-fire all over the “Republican establishment” that orchestrated this whole theatrical event. And what a truly sad event it was. Why? Because Mittens rolls out a whole diatribe of Bravo Sierra, that all of US have heard before, and rejected. And evidently he thought that if the same crap is being fed to US by Mittens Romney, it would make US understand, that up to this point, We The People are just too stupid to realize what was happening or what is “good” for US.
So, Mittens calls for the circular firing squad to commence and I’m sure there will be many of the old school “protected-Class” Republicans who will take up arms and open fire as their club-masters have called for them to do. But there is a new Republican Party that is not going to be herded like sheep by the old shepherds and will continue to support and vote for the one candidate who will not participate in the circular firing squad, but will continue to fire down range, Donald J Trump.
God Bless America! And America, Please Bless God Again!