As we learn more and more that our vote today, has become nothing more than a digital data pack, that can be manipulated by people who may not be our friends, what should we do? So, what’s the first step to us really securing our elections? I think it’s going back to the ancient idea of “one man, one vote” marked on a paper ballot, counted by people in the precinct, responsible to the community where they reside. Why does this now seem to be a radical idea? How do we make this happen, and assure the security of the vote?
Let’s talk about the problems with out current system. How many people even know the name of the tech companies that control their vote today? I’ll bet very few. And how many even know how this system operates? I’d bet even fewer. How did we get here? We got here by not keeping our eye on the ball, and by allowing the using of the National Government to bribe, illegally, the States into adopting their big central control election initiative. President George W. Bush cowered to the pressure from the establishment, in response to the 2000 election debacle in FL. He championed “HAVA”, the “Help America Vote Act” which is what brought us the machines. And through their “generosity”, the National Government gave the States funding to purchase these machines, only if they were certified by the Federal Election Commission. Then the National Government walked away and left the maintenance, upkeep and replacement costs to the States. And in our State of North Carolina, now on the county government, paid for with your property taxes. Isn’t that special? But how much could that really cost? The best estimate we have in our State is >$5,000,000/yr., but since they run different pieces of this through different pockets, it’s hard to get a firm number.
Now, what do we believe is the solution? Paper ballots, hand-counted at every precinct. And we can secure it for about half of what we spend to maintain the current corrupt system. How does this work? First, we establish secure precincts with ample personnel to assure that the operation of the election is proper. We do this with properly trained election officials, and poll observers, in every precinct.
Second, we set up a public-accessible counting area at every precinct. And over the “Counting Table” in every precinct is a web-accessible HD digital camera. This will allow any voter, who has internet access, to go right in and monitor the counting at any precinct in the State. This also eliminates the possibility of any mischief with the programming of the machines. It also eliminates the cost of securing and distributing the machines to the precincts.
Third, we hire and train at least 3 vote counters, with different Party affiliations, at every precinct. Each of these counters will sign a contract that they will stand for a felony charge if they violate the process. Yes, a felony so they will know this is serious. To make sure they show up, we pay them $100/hr counting time. And yes, $100/hr may sound like a lot of money, but it will be less than half of what we pay currently for the machine “maintenance” and supplies. And how much more will we save by being able to print ballots on standard paper, in the precinct, rather than the expensive “special” paper required for the machine count ballots? And it would also eliminate the expense of all of the excess ballots currently required to be purchased.
After what we’ve seen in the last several election cycles, we have to do something to restore the faith of the Citizens, in our elections. The more people question the validity of their elections, fewer and fewer will show up to vote. We’re already seeing the negative effects of the reduction in participation in our elections. When fewer legitimate registered voters show up to vote, it makes it easier for the nefarious evil players to have someone vote for them. And it takes fewer “impostor” votes to change the outcome of an election. So, we’ve laid out the plan and we feel this is how we restore faith in our elections. Paper ballots, hand-counted, is another piece of how we turn this ship of these united States around!
God Bless America!! And America, PLEASE Bless God Again!!