The Minuteman’s Minute reported in a previous post back in March,, about the David vs. Goliath legal fight going on in South Carolina on their State Refugee Resettlement Plan. The lawsuit is moving ahead and the first scheduling hearing was held in US Federal District Court in Columbia, SC this past Monday and the lawsuit will proceed in Federal Court, not be remanded back to the State Court so the impact of this lawsuit will have a much wider ranging immediate impact.
The fact the suit is moving forward in Federal Court means that the Complaint must be amended and the schedule is as follows, the Amended Complaint will be filed by June 20 in Federal District Court and the Defendants’ Reply is due July 18. I’m so very proud of both my friend, Brian Bilbro, the plaintiff, and my other friend, Lauren Martel, the attorney, for their willingness to stand for all of US in this battle. If you want to know what I believe real courage is, this is it. To wrap yourself in the Armor of God and stand against such evil is truly courageous. Thank you Brian and Lauren.
As we discussed in the last post, two of the defendants in this lawsuit are two of the nine VOLAGS, “not for profit” voluntary agencies across the Country. They work on a “paid by the head” basis, with your federal tax dollars, to bring these “refugees” in to your States, towns and neighborhoods. And they are supposedly religious organizations, since they parade around under banners like “Lutheran Family Services” and “The International Catholic Migration Commission” and others, but make no mistake about it, these “not for profits” are generating millions of dollars in revenue for their “sponsoring” churches. I can only guess to replace the lost revenue these “churches” are losing because of their dwindling memberships and ever more so emptying pews.
So, what can we do to help? I’d like to share the following note I received from Lauren, “When you research the non-profits with this name or some form of this name, “Lutheran Synod”, it’s numerous. Same with World Relief. These “shell” non-profits can shift and close on a whim– change registered agents etc. They should not be the first receptacle of “refugees’. Lutheran Synod is connected with “Welcome America”… this is not what it seems. The mandate that no proselytizing is allowed circumvents First Amendment and is very deceptive. Lets seek TRUTH here! Grass roots investigate, FOIA (Freedom Of Information Act) the state agencies, and these related non-profits that take government money. And with new case law in SC that allows for non-profits, like the Chamber of Commerce, to be subject to the FOIA because they take government money. FOIA all of them- (some of you may be more advanced in FOIA– share with your groups FOIAs you have used successfully), share answers among your groups, and plan tactical strategy on getting answers. And follow through on Resolutions and 2017 Budget. Lets stop this in South Carolina in real time. Get individuals empowered to work together on this mission. Public interest and investigation is necessary. If a county filed a Resolution and served it, share and follow up. County and local government can file new Resolutions or follow-ups. Send me any copies of letters or resolutions or action you or your local officials are taking to prevent 2017 and be clear on what has been going on in 2015-2016. “
I wanted to share this because ANYBODY can submit these FOIA request, not just people in the State of South Carolina. It’s critical that these “non-profits” know people are looking at them from EVERYWHERE in the Country. You know what they say, “The greatest disinfectant is the bright light of the sun.” We need to make sure these folks see that they are standing naked in the sun!
I would ask that we all Pray for Brian and Lauren. I know them both personally and they both know that this is a Divine Mission they are called to pursue and they believe in the Power of Prayer. Second, if you feel the calling, the Davids are fighting with limited resources, against the Goliaths who have access to tax dollars AND the millions of the “non-profits” to fund their legal costs, please consider making a contribution to the legal fund of the Davids. Lauren has set up an escrow account just for this purpose. Please make checks payable to “Lauren Martel” and note “Refugee Lawsuit” in the subject line. Mail them to Martel Law, 2 Corpus Christi Place, Suite 200 Professional Building, Hilton Head, SC 29928. My fellow US Citizens, this is a battle we must win and I hope you will help the Davids!
In closing, whether you are in South Carolina or any other State, understand that this lawsuit affects you and your family and your community. Why? Because this lawsuit is the “Canary in the Coal Mine” working to save ALL of US miners. And if this bird dies, it is a major blow in the death of our Country and our Culture.
God Bless America! And America, Please Bless God Again!