Editor’s Note: I wrote this 14 years ago last month, when we were under a previous hostile, Anti-American regime. And thank goodness for the 4 year pause during the Trump years, but I believe it is worse now than ever in my lifetime, or maybe in our history. We can only pray that we’ll pay attention this time?
Written August 14, 2010-
As I look at the current abomination of conduct by our National Government I wonder, is it time for We The People, in the organizations of our states and counties, to dis-engage from our National Government? The Constitution of these united States of America, is under assault from within, and We The People must exercise our power of collective civil disobedience to stop this assault. The only viable way to cause this to happen is by dis-engaging from this constantly growing, over-reaching national network.
If you look at the costs of sending our dollars to Washington, and allowing the growing and very inefficient national bureaucracy to charge us far in excess of the market rate, it’s crazy for us to continue to allow them, to allocate and administer those same dollars. And spend them in ways that we disagree with in many ways. Why do we send them to D.C. to start with? Maybe we would be better off by implementing a system for keeping those dollars in Cleveland County and North Carolina. We should start to develop a method, of determining what our true local and state obligations, are to the National Government, to finance the duties required by the Constitution of these united States as enumerated powers. All other government expenditures, should be controlled and administered, at the state and local levels.
Rather than continuing to grow an ever expanding hierarchy of over-paid National Government bureaucrats, in and around Washington, and giving more control to those who are far removed from our best interest, We The People should start to dis-engage from this central system. And then we should work to develop more locally and regionally administered and operated programs. This will relieve the National Government of their responsibility for, and control over, the daily living of our lives.
And under the powers granted to, and Constitutionally mandated authority of, and protection by the duly elected Sheriff, of each and every County or Parish in this Country. And with their deputies, supported by their local militias if necessary, We The People should feel free to establish, and owe to ourselves and our fellow citizens, the duty to retake our government and lives, from the tyrannical national dictators, who have unlawfully taken control of our Country.
We are blessed by God to live in the one Country, on the face of the Earth, that was created by and with His divine intervention. It was given to We The People, much as Moses was given the Ten Commandments. A Constitution that is the Supreme law of the land. This incredible document provides us, the American Citizens and most residents, with specific rights and the near perfect blueprint for positive self government. We must exercise the powers granted to We The People in this divinely inspired document to derail this runaway hijacking of our rights and our Country. We must push for the establishment of the actual financial obligations of those costs, specified for the National Government in the Constitution to be paid by We The People. As these actual costs are established, We The People should design and implement our system for meeting these obligations.
We must start to address this crisis at the local and state level. We must be willing to stand up to this ever expanding monster of National Government control. Or we can bend way over and kiss our collective as*** good-bye as the Society we all know and love.
In liberty!
God Bless America! And America, Please Bless God Again!