Editor’s Note: This was originally posted last June, June 13 2023, and the message hasn’t changed.
Well, it’s June again and it seems that all of Corporate America is back to the “Rainbow Pride Flags” and celebrating one of the Seven Deadly Sins, and to promote the abomination that is the LGBTQRSWAI+2 etc., etc., etc. “lifestyle”. And to double down on this freak show, it appears that now, governments at every level in America, are part of the act. How the hell did we get here?
It really has to make you wonder why people would celebrate a “lifestyle” that, through simple and common biology, would eventually eliminate the human species from existence? And why am I called a “hater” because I’m willing to dare, to mention and point out, this obvious truth? First, I try not to hate anyone. And I definitely don’t hate someone for their “lifestyle” unless it injures another. But don’t stick this debauchery in my face and expect me to “celebrate” it! And it’s time to draw the line in the sand on this, “LEAVE THE KIDS ALONE!!”
In my nice Conservative county, this past Tuesday, my Taxpayer-funded county public library, sponsored a “Celebrate Pride Crafting Event for ALL Ages”. And yes, it pissed me off!! Understand, this is in a county where just over a decade ago, MORE THAN 80% OF VOTERS, turned out and supported the North Carolina Marriage Amendment, affirming that marriage is ONLY the Union of one man and one woman, PERIOD. But now, just 11 years later, our County Government chose to use tax dollars, to promote this “alternate” lifestyle to our children. And don’t try to feed us the Bravo Sierra that it didn’t target children. We The People know better. We saw it!
So, what happened next? Starting the Friday before the event, several of us Patriots reached out to our County Commissioners about this, and received no response. I finally heard from one of my Commissioners on Monday and was told, “Yes, we fund the library, but we have no say so in the operations there. Our only recourse would be to de-fund the library and shut it down.” And as I said in my remarks addressing the County Commissioners on the evening of the event, “If this is what you intend to use the library for, I would vote to shut it down!” https://rumble.com/v2ssa9a-guy-smith-6-6-2023.html Sadly, later in the meeting the Commissioners approved the budget INCLUDING full funding for the library, with no restrictions stated.
Now, the question is, “What do we do moving forward’? The first step, I believe, is to keep the pressure on our local government, to change how they are allowing our tax dollars to be used to pervert and groom these children. The next step, if they choose to make no effort to correct the course they are on, then We The People need to recruit candidates to replace those who are in favor of undermining parents and our local community standards. To those who do not live in our county, you need to look in to what’s happening in your locality and act accordingly.
In closing, it’s time we start to roll back this explosion of perversion that is accelerating across our Nation. As it says in our Pledge of Allegiance, we are “One Nation Under God”, and the promotion and celebration of one of the Seven Deadly Sins, particularly through our governments’ actions, is a direct affront to that. So, let’s take back our rainbow, which symbolizes God’s promise for the future, and let’s openly promote the only sexual orientation which promotes the continuance of the Human Species, Heterosexuality. HAPPY HETERO MONTH!!
God Bless America! And America, PLEASE Bless God Again!