The illegal and unconstitutional Charlotte Ordinance, and the Session Law that the North Carolina General Assembly was forced to put in place to correct it, HB-2, The NC “Bathroom Bill” is back in the news again this week. So, after having written six previous editions of the Minuteman’s Minute about this subject, we thought we had covered every aspect of it. But alas, we were just wrong. Evidently, we just didn’t foresee there was a compulsive need for professional and college sports organizations to allow free access to bathrooms, locker rooms and shower facilities for any sex, by any sex?
So, over the last several weeks, first the National Basketball Association, then the National Collegiate Athletic Association and finally the Atlantic Coast Conference have chosen to attempt to shame and to financially punish the Citizens and residents of the State of North Carolina. Evidently because those who are the participants in their, for the NBA, the All-Star game, and for the NCAA and the ACC, in their championships, seem to have a problem figuring out which bathroom, locker room or shower facility they should be using. I would never have thought that those who either earn a living through playing a sport, or represent their higher education community through participation in sports were so confused?
Or, could there be an ulterior motive to these actions? Please say it ain’t so, Joe, say it ain’t so. (Classic movie ref.) Now, if there is some other reason behind these actions, you know there’s no way that this motive could be political, could it? You would just have to be a totally over the top cynic to think that could be possible. Or would you? Well then, just call me cynical, but the timing of all of this sure seems to be politically suspect. What about this would cause me to say this? Let’s review.
In February 2016, the Charlotte City Council CHOSE to act in defiance of their own legal counsel and pass this illegal and unconstitutional ordinance, with an effective date of April Fools Day, April 1. (How fitting) This forced the NC General Assembly to convene a Special Session to address this and handle it as a preemptive legislative action, rather than allowing it to become a judicial matter. And the law they passed returned the state of bathroom access back to what it had been prior to the ordinance. Then the General Assembly convened for its regularly scheduled Short Session in April and was in session until the end of June. Other than a relatively minor correction in one section of the law, nothing changed. The GA adjourned July 1.
In full disclosure there were rumblings about the law as soon as the GA adjourned from this group or that group, but there was nothing substantial undertaken about it. Then much to the amazement of all involved, the NBA in late July chose to pull their “All-Star Week-end”, scheduled for Charlotte in February 2017, and send it to New Orleans, evidently because the grand multitude of transgender fans of the NBA would be discriminated against. Who knew that there was a large NBA fan-base among the estimated <0.3% of the population who identify as transgender. But much to the chagrin of the bullies supporting the transgendered, North Carolina State Elected Officials stood strong and wished the NBA well in New Orleans. HOW DARE THEY!
So now, approximately 60 days prior to the Presidential and State elections, in the highly energized “swing State” of North Carolina, one of the strongest political allies of the Democrats, colleges and universities, through their athletic programs, chose to attempt to punish those nasty Republicans in North Carolina. They will do this by the NCAA and the ACC both announcing they are pulling all of their championship contests, which are scheduled this year in North Carolina, out of the State. Evidently college and university athletes have a real problem figuring out what bathrooms, or locker rooms or shower facilities to use? Whoda thunk it? And how will our officials react to this extortion? We will encourage them to continue to stand for the Values and Principles that represent the vast majority of the Citizens who live in North Carolina against the evil behind this.
I hope our elected officials will listen to and follow the words of Democrat Icon Franklin D. Roosevelt from his 2nd address to Congress, “There comes a time in the affairs of men when they must prepare to defend not their homes alone but the tenets of faith and humanity on which their churches, their governments and their very foundations are set. The defense of religion, of democracy and of good faith among nations is all the same fight. To save one, we must now make up our minds to save all.”
This is a moment in time where Good is looking evil straight in eye, and for the future of our Country, our Culture and our Society, we can’t blink.
God Bless America! And America, Bless God Again!