Yesterday, Donald J Trump put forth the proposal that the United States BAN the immigration of moslems “until we can get a handle on what’s going on.” I don’t think I can agree any more with this plan except to expand it to ALL migrants, immigrants, refugees and invaders. As I offered in this very forum, on August 6, 2015, in my proposed 2016 Platform-, the 2nd plank in this simple 4 plank document states-
“On my first day in the Office of President I will initiate the process to suspend ALL immigration for a period of not less than two years by presenting the new Congress with my “Immigration Moratorium Act”. I will also establish the Alien Identification and Location Authority under the Department of Justice to fully enforce ALL Immigration laws and authorities currently in Statute. This will include but not be limited to a systematic evaluation and deportation program of any Non-Citizen currently living in the Country. This will also include returning to ALL local law enforcement the requirement to uphold and enforce ALL immigration law, and provide them with the support from the national government necessary, and to prosecute non-compliant local governments as allowed by the laws in place. It’s time we start to re-establish control over any AND ALL Non-Citizens who are in the Country and OUR right to determine who stays here. This is critical to re-establishing the basic sovereignty of our Nation.”
Why are so many of the “political elites”, both politicians and media-types, going absolutely and totally apoplectic over Mr. Trump’s simple common-sense proposal? Why are these folks so incensed that a Presidential Pageant Contestant would dare to propose something to bring order and, in turn security, to the American Person by creating some semblance of order to the absolute chaos that is our “immigration” system. Well, first we must understand that the “political elites” thrive on the fear of the American Person and civilizational chaos. Second, and in the whole political picture more important, they just want to try and do anything to attack the front-runner.
On the first point, without chaos and questions of security, the politician has nothing on which to base their functional existence. I know that may seem cold and mean-spirited, but it is the world, and the Country, we currently live in. And it truly doesn’t matter which side of the aisle you stand or sit on. The “art of politics” today is being able to convince the most voters that your team will better “manage” the chaos and “enhance” their security. Without the chaos and the insecurity, they are the used car salesmen with an empty car lot. So we must understand that to the politician, Mr. Trump is the Darth Vader, or the Obi-Wan Kenobi depending on your view, to your world, a man offering ACTUAL solutions. To the politicians and their allies in the media, ACTUAL solutions are unacceptable.
The second point goes without need for any explanation. As long as Mr. Trump is the front-runner, he will be attacked for whatever he says. I don’t care if Donald Trump put forth the perfect platform and plan, he will be attacked because he is the front-runner. Oh, and also reference the first point.
God Bless America!! And America, Bless God Again!!