On this day after Memorial Day, 2023, We The People are finding out that we were just played by “our side” of the National Government, ONCE AGAIN. As the minions on “both sides of the aisle”, used their old Lucy and the football trick, “the sky is falling!, the sky is falling!” government shutdown boogie man, to screw us again!! Is anybody else getting tired of this Bravo Sierra? We sure as hell are!!
Once upon a time we actually had leaders in this Country. They stood on truth and principle. Evidently, no more. This latest gutless sell-out of the America’s First agenda is just so frustrating, and insulting. to us. What we now have are posers, not leaders. And if I hear one more jester of the current leadership say, “Well, we only control one-half of one-third of the National Government, so what do you expect?”, I’m gonna puke! It drives me crazy how EVERYTIME we get to this place in “negotiations”, our side folds in the face of the ILLUSION of the dreaded “DEFAULT” and “GOVERNMENT SHUT-DOWN”. Sorry, I just don’t buy it anymore.
If you’ve followed this site and blog for any period of time, you would remember that for the last 5+ years we’ve been sharing the same message on “Tax Day”. This year’s edition, https://4pba.com/happy-april-illusion-day-2023/?v=2e5df5aa3470, continues the same message, and the crux of it is that the whole basis of this discussion is an illusion. The only reason we keep getting put through this whole charade is so the “powers that be” can regain their control over We The People. I, for one, am tired of these “leaders” pissing on my leg and telling me that it’s raining!
So, what was I really hoping would happen in this latest “negotiation”? To be honest, I just wanted this “leadership” to disregard the whole “fear factor” circus of the “debt ceiling” and “government shutdown” and call their, the Marxists’, bluff. We will never alter or redirect where our Country is going, as long as We The People let the “leaders” have this boogie man, to scare us into not doing the right thing. I would possibly even be willing to work with this pitiful deal, if it happened 3 weeks after the date Janet Yellen told us the sky would fall, and we were all going to die. Until we slay that dragon, the false illusion of the “government shutdown”, nothing changes on our path to destruction, NOTHING!!
God Bless America! And America, PLEASE, Bless God Again!!