Every Thursday we receive an email from our Regional Council of Government telling us about all of the wonderful things they’re doing for We The People. This past Thursday, this is the email we received: https://mailchi.mp/arc.gov/arcitr-vol9-iss4?e=314fd48676
And the headline just jumped out at me:
“Getting the Grant: First Stop, Asheville!”
And as I read this it struck me how out of control we’ve allowed the machine of “government” to become. I mean, how complex has this become that we must hold classes, to teach a local or county government, how they can best go about getting a portion of their taxpayers’ dollars back into their community? Are you kidding me? And on a side note, where is this whole complex regional machine laid out in the Constitution of these united States?
Does anybody even realize this whole “industry” exist that has been built on the backs of the middle-class taxpayers for decades? Running a training “workshop”, for your local government, to learn how to most successfully “apply” to get your residents’ illegally confiscated dollars back in to their community. How much does it cost to send those dollars through the bureaucracies at the national, regional and state level before they get back to your neighborhood? This is just another example of what happens when We The People aren’t paying attention.
We’ve been involved in sounding the alarm about the whole design of “Regional Governance” for more than a decade, after our first encounter during a HUD Mapping Grant program back in 2012 called “Connect Our Future”- https://connectourfuture.org/ . This is a long-term transportation planning scheme to increase National Government control of We The People, through our bureaucratic overlords’ brilliance, or lack there of. And where did this whole concept of “Regional Councils of Government” come from?
They originated in the 1960s as part of the Johnson National Government expansion, a.k.a “The Great Society”. (Who would have figured that?) And as with every basic concept that started with Johnson, over the last 60+ years, it has grown like untended weeds. And you need to understand that the most dangerous part of the Regional Governance design, is it removes the State Government from the picture. The Councils of Government design brings National Government programs, through bribes and grants, straight into your local and county governments, with minimal or no State Government involvement, or oversight. And it’s all done with “free money” through these grants and bribes. https://narc.org/about/what-is-a-cog-or-mpo/
So, does this help explain why we were so surprised that they now just put this stuff out on their public website? That they have gotten so out of hand, that for a local or county government to feed from the fruit of this tree, you need to attend a “training program” to learn how to best conform, and to acquire the latest bribes and grants? And remember, all of this is being paid for with your own money, that has been illegally confiscated by your National Government. And a few cents from every dollar are siphoned off, at every level, as it is fed back to you and your community.
So, how much of the money, that was confiscated from your community, comes back to your community, after it is run through the machine? We’ve been asking this question for the last decade and it appears nobody knows. And on top of the money that is STOLEN by the government machine, any item or project that these grants are used to pay for, is exponentially more expensive because of all of the restrictions and regulations that are tied to these bribes and grants. The greatest Conman in the history of the World couldn’t design a better con.
Where do we go from here? Our thought is we must start pushing for the disassembly of the machine. This is going to take action at the State, county and local level. The first step, to us, is county and local governments need to withdraw from, and quit paying dues, to their Regional Council. That’s right, we didn’t mention that your county and local government pays, with your local and county tax-dollars, to participate in this con. The next step is that the State Governments must step in and provide oversight of these rogue entities. Once these two things are done, we believe that this whole con will implode on itself. We can only hope. If not, We The People will just be driven deeper in to slavery to the state.
God Bless America! And America PLEASE Bless God Again!!