This morning President Obama issued his Executive Order on how we MUST fight the “epidemic” of gun violence in our Country. And he has just asked many in our Great Republic to act lawlessly if they plan to protect the Constitutional Rights of their fellow Citizens. And just as he did with Obamacare, today he directly conscripted our healthcare providers to violate our most basic protections, our privacy.
Under Obamacare, the national government informed our healthcare providers that for them to legally continue to do business, they MUST turn over the personal PRIVATE health information of their patients, to a repository under the “control” of the national government. Under this move today, he placed the heavier burden on our healthcare providers to make a subjective determination of which Citizens/residents should be able to buy a gun. Get ready for the avalanche of legal disputes that will be caused by the unintended consequences of this action.
First, the liability claims that a physician could face if a patient of theirs shows up and commits a mass killing spree. What’s to say that every victim, and anyone connected to the victim, doesn’t have legal standing to sue the physician for damages for not reporting this psycho to the FBI and preventing them from buying a gun? Second, from the other end of the spectrum, let’s say a physician does report a patient to the FBI, they are not able to buy a gun and in an act of violence, they are killed because they couldn’t defend themselves. Would the family of the victim have standing to then sue the physician for rendering them defenseless?
I posted a blog here a couple of weeks back,, that first addressed the base of this issue. And Mr. Obama doubled-down on this again yesterday. By, in effect, “deputizing” every healthcare provider and turning their mission from “first do no harm”, to “be the eyes and ears of the national government” and report to “Big Brother” on your patients, We The People must now make different, and possibly, negative for our health, decisions every time we have a medical situation.
And what is even scarier are the future effects of this action. What happens to your child or grandchild who is diagnosed with a “mental” condition, such as ADD or ADHD at the age of 6 or 16? We know that for many kids these conditions are misdiagnosed to start with, and for many others they grow out of this as they grow older. What happens when this “child” is a 22 Y.O. legal adult and goes to buy a gun? Do you really believe that their juvenile medical records won’t be made available to the background check database? You can be sure of it. What will their recourse be?
We must always remember that the Liberal-Progressives rarely do things to effect tomorrow, but to effect things 10 or 20 or 30 or 50 years from now. And when the Meat-puppet in Chief mockingly said that this was not the gateway to confiscation or a back door to gun registration, he laughed as he told US this was exactly what he is doing. And he’s building the new Gestapo right there in the doctor’s office. And he just gave his spies their next assignment. Will the healers choose to be Constitutional or lawless? Our President thinks they can be both and both terms mean the same thing.