After the greatest week of WINNING for the United States, in my 68 years on this Earth, I’m loving every minute of it and look forward to more! But I’m going to have to bring my thoughts back to reality and the one “800 Lb. Gorilla In The Room”, that President Trump must deal with quickly, the War In Ukraine. How he handles this situation will be his biggest mark, good or bad, on the World stage.
I believe this is a multi-faceted situation and at this point, has very little chance for a positive outcome, except with some great business negotiating, which we know is President Trump’s strong suit. And while most are looking at Putin’s “invasion” of Eastern Ukraine from a couple years ago, the roots of this “conflict” goes all the way back to the death of the Iron Curtain and before. I would contend it is more so caused by the lies and actions of the U.S. and NATO, than anything Russia and Putin have done.
It’s amazing how ignorant of history we have become so quickly. When the deal was made, with Mikhail Gorbachev, to tear down the Berlin Wall and reunite Germany, we agreed that NATO would never move one step East of the German Border. Then, when the Soviet Union came totally apart and imploded, what did we do?
First, in 1994, under President Bill Clinton and Prime Minister John Major, the U.S. and the U.K. reached an accord with Russia, that Ukraine agreed to surrender to Russia, all of the Nukes that were left in Ukraine after the fall of the Soviet Union. And the U.S. and U.K. pledged we would defend Ukraine.
Then, what did we do? Well, along with NATO, we annexed, as NATO Members, all of the former Soviet States. Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia were all annexed into NATO before Putin moved on Crimea in 2014, while Obama was in the White House. And understand Putin took the Crimea strategically to maintain control of their only warm water port. Then after that we continued to expand NATO bringing in Montenegro and North Macedonia.
So, what would you say the root cause of the current situation is? While we’re being fed the whole “Bad Man Putin illegally invaded Ukraine, now twice”, I have to call Bravo Sierra! Maybe if we hadn’t lied to Russia at every turn, about how we would handle matters since the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the Iron Curtain, and openly threatened Russia with every step since, this may not have happened.
Now, on top of all that we must think about the difference in the cultures of the U.S., and Russia and their new ally, China. Where our populace has progressed rapidly through several levels at this point, where the vast majority of the Russian and Chinese people are still living in the 70s/80s. I think we’re bad to view the world through our eyes, and have no, or little, understanding of the view from the majority of the rest of the world.
So, in conclusion, I’m starting to see that even as bad as Putin is, it appears that every hostile action he has enacted in Ukraine, seems very likely to have been in response to the actions or lies, by we, the U.S. and NATO. And we haven’t even talked about the money laundering, or the bio-weapons labs in Ukraine. I’m no Putin apologist, but I think we need to study the history of what got us here to best come to a positive and equitable outcome. What do you think?
God Bless America! And America PLEASE Bless God Again!!