On Wednesday, August 16, 2023, the North Carolina General Assembly had a great day of Overrides with 6 of Governor Roy Cooper’s vetoes being overridden. And with this action, they did more for the next generation of children, than any other single day I can remember. When you look at how we’ve been just so easily driven to come up with new “holidays”, or a month in the name of “Pride”, I think we should designate a new State Holiday on August 16th. I’m suggesting “Overrides For The Children Day”!
I know there are some people who will loudly disagree with this idea, but when you look at what this one afternoon and evening will do, for the good of the children, it should be celebrated! Many of those who were in support of these vetoes, are also in favor of the “the children belong to the village, not to their parents” doctrine. It is time for this dangerous doctrine to be broken, and promote the FACT that the parents of the children, are those who are responsible for their children. Until a parent is proven to have done something to damage their child, then they are the ultimate authority over their child, until they reach the age of majority, period. That is 18 in the State of North Carolina.
Understand that 5 of these overrides will directly alter the hold that the state has been exercising over children for years. Particularly the abuse these children have suffered, and are suffering, at the hands of the Government School Educrats. 3 of these overrides are directly about breaking the Government School’s ownership of these kids. Of these 3, I believe the most important initially is SB-49, which establishes a specific “Parents’ Bill of Rights”. For the last 3 decades+, the National Government schools have been working hard to get parents out of their children’s classrooms. With this bill, the youngest students, K to 4, are protected from being exposed to anything related to sexuality in school instruction. And teachers are required to inform a parent if their child request a name or pronoun change. But what’s even more important is the the schools are now REQUIRED to provide any and all instructional material to any parent who request it. This is a true game-changer. You can see the bill here- https://www.ncleg.gov/BillLookUp/2023/s49
The next 2 overrides to look at are HB-219 and HB-618, two bills that will result in growth of Charter Schools across the State. As I’ve listened to the crying and gnashing of teeth, among Government School Educrats, that this going to steal money from our existing Government Schools, it will in actuality increase the dollars per student educated in existing Government Schools. What has the Educrats most upset, is that it will allow an individual County Commission to use local tax dollars, to assist Charter Schools in capital and transportation costs, which prior to this bill, they couldn’t do. It also eliminates the State Board of Education’s ability to disapprove a Charter School with, or without, reason. What these bills really do is to add an assistance for Government School parents to have more choices in how their children are taught. You can review these 2 bills here- https://www.ncleg.gov/BillLookUp/2023/h219, and here- https://www.ncleg.gov/BillLookUp/2023/h618
The next of these 5 overrides is to protect the children, from being used by the Psychological and Medical communities, preying on the confused “gender-dysphoric” minors, and turning them in to lifelong wards of the Psychiatric and Pharmaceutical industries. It provides that ANY medical “professional” who performs “transition” surgery, or who prescribes “puberty-blockers” or “cross-sex hormones” to a minor, will be forced to surrender their medical license, and potentially be subject to criminal prosecution. This is HB-808, which we refer to as the “Stop Abuse of Trans Minors” Act and can be read here- https://www.ncleg.gov/BillLookUp/2023/h808
The 5th and final of these overrides is just a pure common sense bill that stops “trans-girls” from competing in girls sports from middle school through college. Why is this necessary? Because they can call themselves, and identify as whatever they wish in their dysphoric state, physically we all know they’re still boys, and therefore have a natural physical advantage over the real girls competing in these sports. This is HB-574 and can be read here- https://www.ncleg.gov/BillLookUp/2023/h574
We believe this is a truly trans-formative group of bills, that will move our State back to Parents having a greater say in the future of their child(ren).Provide them greater choice where and how their child(ren) are taught. They protect children from being coerced into a decision that they are not mature enough to make, even with their parent’s help. And to protect girls from being preyed upon in athletics, by biological boys. We move the idea that August 16 will be recognized as “Overrides For The Children Day” going forward. What say you? Remember, we do it all for the kids!
God Bless America! And America, PLEASE Bless God Again!!