Subtitle: The law of unintended consequences is never even considered by a national government bureau, or its bureaucrats, never.
As we are now watching President Trump, and the Republican-controlled Congress, attempting to politically wrestle with the “Big National Government” designs for the whole “healthcare” universe, and they continue to crash and burn after 50+ years of intervention, will We The People be forced, for the better, to take the whole system local to survive? When will we have had enough incompetent national government destruction that it will cause US to just unplug and go “rogue” in each of our States and communities to survive? As we see every new regulation and requirement put on the system adding to the costs and confusion, will we have any choice? I just don’t see how we survive otherwise, even with “our guys” in control of the machine.
While we consider this whole “healthcare” dilemma, don’t we also need to consider the way this same situation could take the current national government taxation system down with it? Does anybody now think tying the individual “healthcare” mandate to the income tax was a really smart idea? Did anybody in the government “brain trust” that was involved in designing this whole “healthcare” system even thinking what happens when 30 or 40 or 50 million Citizens reach the place where they can’t afford to pay the penalty, for not being able to afford health insurance, required when they file their income taxes and just decide not to file because of it? What happens then?
Wow! There sure are a lot of questions just right there, aren’t there? Oops, another question. But isn’t that what always happens when the national government chooses to get involved in something it was never intended to be involved in, and then proves that it is incapable of or even worse, is totally incompetent to actually do? Yes, that’s right; it just generates more questions than a round of Double Jeopardy. Sadly, these questions, unless they are answered correctly, and soon, will result in widespread sickness and even possibly the deaths of scores and scores of US Citizens. Oh, and as a rather costly and bothersome by-product, the total implosion of the national government’s current revenue collection system. But that could be the silver lining behind the storm clouds.
Now anybody who thinks this is all the fault of the actions of the Jarrett Administration over the last 8 years needs to wake up. And if anybody thinks it’s only the result of the actions of the Democrats they need to wake up too. Republicans have just as many fingerprints on this as the Democrats. But there is no question that the last giant overreaches of the implementation of Obamacare have exposed the ever expanding chasms of national government incompetence. Just as time and time again private sector “mega-corporations” either divest themselves of business units they can’t efficiently operate or they eventually implode, the national government is going to have to divest itself of operations it can’t properly operate, or it will implode. With much more damage to all of Western Civilization than anything that has ever happened in all of recorded history. And I don’t believe that statement is at all overly dramatic.
I believe the first and most important of these operations that illustrate the national government’s incompetence, that should be divested, is the entire spectrum of “healthcare”. The reason I say this is it is the biggest single “industry” that the national government is now attempting to operate and it is proving to be a failure at every level. And it’s failing at an ever increasing scale and speed. It shows up in the health outcomes of the poor through Medicaid. Or when we see what’s happening to our greatest national treasure, our Veterans, through the disaster that the Veterans Administration has become. Now, we’re seeing the implosion of the whole private health insurance industry due to the insanity of the regulations included in Obamacare, leaving the individual with only the national government to turn to and we know from history that won’t end well.
So, where do we go from here? Will the national government start to back out of “healthcare”? What will happen when millions and millions of US Citizens just walk away from the whole system in an act of self-preservation and preservation of their family? (Note: there are estimates that 30+ million have already done so and that number is growing every day.) I don’t know the ultimate answers to any of these questions. At this point, nobody does. But unlike failing Societies over the last several centuries that have been on our current path, We The People used a true opportunity last November, by becoming better educated and informed, to elect a different kind of President who can start being less of the problem and begin to be part of the solution. And even though the person at the top of the ticket is the “leader” of the movement, EVERY person down the ballot plays a part in the whole movement, it’s still up in the air whether or not we chose wisely down ballot. We just pray it’s not too late.
God Bless America! And America, Please Bless God Again!