Five years ago last week, the U.S. Government announced we have confirmed the first case of the SARS-COVID-19 viral infection, and BOOM the World was turned upside down. Looking back it’s just incredible to see what government, from local all the way up to National, and International, morphed into in a matter of days. And everyday, for the next year plus, we witnessed the greatest period of government overreach in the history of our Country. Now we can appreciate what a gift it was.
How could we say such a thing? Well, because of the facts seen in 20/20 hindsight. We believe that COVID may go down in history as the single greatest example of the “Law of unintended consequences” ever. As we went through that initial blitz of our Nation and the World, many of us started to see the cracks in the overall structure of what the government had become. And that the bad people that were pulling the initial strings were exposing themselves, even through the blinding cover-up perpetrated by the “news” media. The longer they extended the facade, the more of the foundation was exposed. Let’s hit a few highlights of this gift
We believe the greatest part of this gift was what it gave us through education. Yes, we know about the school closings (for no legitimate reason), and it is sad to consider how the learning loss will take time for recovery, but look at the greater good. For the first time in 20+ years parents had to be directly involved in their children’s “learning”, and what they discovered was how hard the Educrats had worked to “dumb-down” their kids, while also working to move the parents out of the way. Once the tablets or Chromebooks were opened on the kitchen table, the Educrats couldn’t stop parents from seeing the trash that was being pushed in to their kids heads just flowing out. We can’t count the number of parents we’ve talked with who were just blown away by the garbage their kids were being “taught”.
So, how could we see this as a gift you ask? Because of what has been started because of this gift. Look at the great parents’ groups like “Mama Bears”, “Moms for Liberty”, “Moms for America” and others that were launched by this happening. How many parents and guardians have started showing up at School Board meetings and asking the hard questions? And how many parents and guardians are now stepping up to run for those School Board seats? We also think this was a big piece of what is moving the Trump Administration to disband the U.S. Department of Education. Talk about a win-win-win! So, yes, a gift.
So, is there more? Oh yes! The next part of the gift was “ripping the Band-aid off” of the ugly sore on our Country which the modern “health” industry had become. It started with the initial silly responses to the Plandemic. What do we mean? First, it was the stupidity of the mask mandates. You must wear a mask that won’t stop the virus but can cause you to have repeated exposure to the virus. Then there was the moronic plan of “social distancing”. Nuff said about that. But wait, it got better when we learned about the magical powers of the plexiglass. Who could have ever known the that a clear piece of plastic would save the World? Looking back it’s almost comical if it wasn’t so pitiful. We’re convinced none of this happens without the “dumbing-down” through modern “education”.
Now, what’s next? Did anybody see the total unravelling of “Big Pharma” coming? Especially when they thought they had just hit the “Big Jackpot” with the “vaccine”? Well, except once it was exposed that it wasn’t really a “vaccine”, but a laboratory developed “gene therapy”. This even caused the National Institute of Health to change the definition of what a “vaccine” is on their website. From here, the game was on. In my lifetime, the pharmaceutical “industry” had been held beyond reproach, until this. Then there was the whole Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin story that made us start to realize that “Big Pharma” was much more concerned about profits than “healthcare”. There was no way they could allow these 2 generic drugs be the answer to their multi-billion “vaccine” profit moon-shot. It was now like the whole aura of “Big Pharma” had been tarnished. And it has. And we believe that this is just getting started. Enter Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. as DHHS Secretary……
Do you understand now why we call COVID a gift? And we believe it will keep on giving. First, the parents and guardians aren’t just going to turn their kids back over to an education “industry” that has shown itself to be very corrupt. Second, we don’t believe that We The People will be willing to be the “herded sheep” again just because government tells us so. And third, and maybe most important, the examination of the whole pharmaceutical industry has truly just begun. But We The People must understand, we must stay vigilant in our holding those who offended accountable.
God Bless America! And America, PLEASE Bless God Again!!