Now as we are at the end of President Trump’s 2nd week back in the White House, the amount of winning for We The People is almost unfathomable. From the afternoon of Monday, January 20, 2025, until today, we have witnessed the real meaning of “America First”, and Make America Great Again. We’re not sure we can cover it all, but we’re putting together a list of 10 just to start.
1) It will be officially recognized by the U.S. Federal Government that there are only 2 sexes, Male and Female. We will outlaw any surgical and/or chemical “transitioning” of ANY person under the age of 19.
2) We will start on day one to facilitate the deportation, or repatriation, of any illegal invaders who are in the United States unlawfully. We will start with any illegal invader criminals and any that have current deportation orders filed against them. Then we will move to any others who are in the Country unlawfully. We must return our Country to a land of order and the rule of law.
3) We will be withdrawing from the disastrous Paris Climate Accord on the World stage. We will begin the total disassembly of the “Green New Scam” on the domestic front, including the revocation of any new leases of Federal land for Solar or Wind Farms. We will also end any electric vehicle mandates or subsidies.
4) We will immediately be withdrawing from the World Health Organization, and any of its connected programs. We will end ANY communications from any operation of the Department of Health and Human Services with any international health group.
5) We will immediately end ALL Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) hiring policies at every Federal Government Department or Agency. We will return the Federal Government to properly operate as a true Meritocracy.
6) We are turning the Department of Defense back over to War-fighters and will clean up what a trash-heap the Pentagon has become. There will be no more “Transitioning Soldiers” and we will return to truly rigorous physical training standards. We will do a total review of all Defense Department weapon systems to assure the highest level of readiness. And the Department of Defense is putting an end to all “cultural celebration” months/weeks/days.
7) We will do a total re-evaluation of the U.S. Department of Justice. Once our new Attorney General assumes duty, we will review all who are there and remove all the entrenched anti-American/anti-Liberty operatives at every level.
8) We will totally restructure the entire Foreign Affairs segment of the Federal Government. This will include a total overhaul of the foreign-aid infrastructure to eliminate any potential misapplication or misappropriation of funds.
9) We will DRILL-BABY-DRILL and we will unleash the operational and economic giant that is American energy.
10) We will re-establish the pride of being a U.S. Citizen and direct the Federal Government to serve the U.S. Citizen, not vise-versa!
This just a snapshot of the incredible policy corrections of President Trump’s agenda that will Make America Great Again! What appears to be missing from much of the discussion of where We The People are today, is the understanding that President Trump inherited an economic and government structure that has been in decline for the last 50+ years. Since Eisenhower, we have not had a true “America First” President. We have been willing to surrender some of our economic sovereignty for acceptance into the global cabal. Our government, at every level, has attempted to confiscate the wealth of the U.S. Citizen to buy their place in the global society. I’m glad to have a President who is more supportive of the U.S. Citizen than wanting to be globally loved. It’s time for our government to put “America First” on every level.
God Bless America! And America, PLEASE Bless God Again!