As we watch the evidence continue to pile up on the “potential” criminal activity and impeachment of “President” Joseph R. Biden, Jr., I have to wonder, how stupid these people surrounding this totally rogue administration, evidently believe We The People truly are? And I’m getting more and more pissed-off every day that this sick theater continues. Whether it’s the Ukraine bribes, or the Russia bribes, or the Communist Chinese Party ownership of the Biden Crime Family, they just keep shoving it in our collective faces and telling us that we don’t understand what we’re seeing.
Then you have the Democrats in Congress, who are telling us that the Biden Crime Family has done nothing, and their comrades across the aisle are just pushing this story, or that story, or another story. But they say they have no evidence of any wrong doing by the Biden Crime Family? Well, as “Average” Citizens, who are actually paying attention as the PROOF is rolled out, we have NO QUESTION that President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. has committed multiple Impeachable Offenses and needs to be tried, as soon as possible. We know the corrupt Democrats in the U.S. Senate will never convict Ol’ Joe, but he should definitely be impeached and tried!
Then last Wednesday, March 20, 2024, happens. There was a Biden Impeachment Inquiry hearing in the U.S House. And the wrecking ball of the Biden Crime Family hit them dead center. When former Hunter Biden business associate, Tony Bobulinski, was brought in to testify before the Committee, and BOOM. You can read his written opening statement at this link-
And it was on!! Over the next several hours Mr. Bobulinski laid out chapter and verse, with documentation, the whole operational scheme of the illegal actions of the Biden Crime Family. On at least 3 different Continents, the Biden Crime Family was “shaking and baking” in ways that ANYBODY else would be facing criminal charge after charge. Bribery, influence peddling, corruption, RICO and other criminal activities were described, and even more devastatingly, documented.
Then there were two totally great crescendo moments in the questioning. The first was about 3 minutes of Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) entering into the record, receipts and bank records, one after another, after another, tracking the illegal payments made by multiple foreign operations, through the Biden Crime Family money-laundering operations, with ties directly to “The Big Guy’s” bank account. It was absolutely priceless, and devastating, to the case. And then there was the PRICELESS moment, courtesy of Alexandria Ocasio Cortex, when AOC was interrogating Bobulinski, and made the ultimate mistake in this kind of situation, she asked a question she didn’t already know his answer to. And Bobulinski absolutely shellacked her. Here’s a link to the hearing- It was a masterpiece by Bobulinski.
So, where does this go from here? I wish I knew. I wish Impeachment Committee Chairman, Rep. James Comer (R-KY), would grow a set and present the evidence at hand and put the inquiry to the floor for a vote. Sadly, I don’t know if he has the balls to do so. We can only hope that the members of the Committee will force him to do his damned job and submit the case for impeachment. And he needs to do it NOW, so if there are any of the “Republicans” in the House who vote against it, we have time to primary the scumbags out before the election. Particularly “Republicans” in solid Red Districts. We need to all call our House Members, and light a fire under their asses, pushing them to move this forward. And then I guess all We The People can do other than that is wait and see, very impatiently, if they have the balls to do the right thing!
God Bless America! And America, PLEASE Bless God Again!!