We The People are blessed by God that we now have President Trump and his energy policy, which is repealing so many “directives” from the Left. We are blessed to see in the malicious industries effected, that their National Government subsidies are being eliminated. Most of our fellow Citizens still don’t know all that the previous administration had in mind to support their kneeling at the altar of the Pagan religion that climate change has become. Then yesterday, March 24, EPA Director Lee Zeldin announced that he was rolling back 31 EPA Regulations that were designed to continue expanding the power of the “Green New Scam”. This following article was written when the Pagans announced the giant nail to totally destroy our personal economies, the electric freight truck. Another bullet avoided.
Originally published on September 17, 2023:
Over the last several months, the O’Biden Administration, and their profiteering partners in the “Green” movement, made a true move, using the regulatory state, to finish killing the value of our personal economy. Why do I say this? With their new regulations, those who deliver EVERY good that you purchase, will be destroyed. Or forced to radically elevate their pricing to deliver your products. How, you ask? By mandating electric trucks through their new “Heavy Truck” CARB performing emissions standards. This is so wonderful, what could go wrong?
As I was listening to the radio last week, the story about this “great advancement in the war on Carbon ‘pollution’” came on the 3-7 drive-time show on WBT radio. And like most ANYTHING to do with the “new green movement”, the unintended consequences of this are just mind-boggling. More and more everyday, I see the real affects of the “dumbing-down” of the populace. I’m now certain it’s being done, by the elites, so the elites can rape the masses with their schemes, and then have the masses pay them to do it. What a great plan!
We seem to forget real truths when enough distraction and misdirection are put out front. Truth- Technology should move us forward, not sideways, and it should never lead to a break-even situation. Why? Because in the REAL big picture, where wasted energy, mental and physical, is concerned, break-even is a loser. How much REAL advancement, has implementation of technology produced, when there is no measure of the REAL results of its use? Just a point to ponder.
Back to the subject at hand. So, let’s take a somewhat stable part of our economy, the freight transportation sector, and bet on an unknown, and unnecessary, technology to “improve” it? There are an estimated 2.9 million Class 8 tractor-trailers on the road today. Of those, 97+% are diesel-fueled, and all of the rest, except for a very few EV and Hydrogen fuel-cell units, are Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) fueled. From some research I’ve done, we’re at least 10 years away from EV Class 8 Tractors being viable, if ever. Why? Well, because on top of developing the trucks, we must understand there is currently no charging infrastructure in place, and we have no clue where that charging technology could go at this point. We must also understand in the big picture, as government causes the drop in available electricity capacity, through their mandating “green” energy generation, what will happen to the costs of the electricity to charge these vehicles? Nobody knows.
Next, on top of these pieces, there’s the straight up-front costs factors in this “transition”. In today’s market, a standard tandem-axle “Day-cab” tractor, using diesel, the base price is between $155,000 and $175,000. This same tractor, set up to run on Compressed Natural Gas, is between $215,000 and $225,000. And this same tractor, as an EV is estimated to be ~$500,000 PLUS $75,000+ for the charging station to keep it charged. But we really don’t know at this point because this technology is still “in development”. So, the initial costs to go to EVs from diesel is 3 to 4 TIMES the cost. It doesn’t take a math wizard to see this just isn’t feasible, even with the anticipated fuel costs savings. Operative word being, “anticipated”.
We haven’t even started talking about the other factors in this situation. For instance, what happens when an EV operator is 10 miles from the next charging station and runs out of juice? Or, what’s the efficiency of an EV operator having to spend at least 90 minutes every 200 miles to charge the batteries? And that’s just a guess on both the charging time and range. But the big piece of this scheme, to every American is, “How much does this add to the price of EVERY item on your store shelf?” I have to believe nobody’s even started seriously looking at that piece yet.
So, in conclusion, we believe that of all the current stupidity of the “Green” movement, and the “Climate Change Nazis”, this is the most stupid, and damaging, initiative yet. We don’t think we can even imagine the devastating effect this will have on all of us. We used to make operational and economic decisions, based on using the best available data and technology available, then move in the direction this information leads us. It now appears that in the decisions, where “Green” is concerned, none of that matters anymore. But decisions like this will only result in the elites and insiders being able to confiscate more of your GREEN, as in your dollars. This isn’t even close to a “break even”!
God Bless America! And America, PLEASE Bless God Again!!