As I’ve watched the events unfold over the last couple of weeks, I can only embrace these words of long-time network anchor Howard Beale (played by the iconic Peter Finch) from the classic movie “NETWORK”. And all I see coming down the pike, in the near future, is designed to just make me even madder! Maybe most disturbing is how many of my fellow Americans are content to be herded along like mindless sheep.
The worst 3 weeks, I believe, in the history of this Country on the World stage have been “highlighted” by the absolute and utter incompetence of the current President, and the people that he has surrounding him. I’m starting to believe that this is all part of the “Progressive” Globalist Marxists plan to finally end the United States, as the only Superpower on the World stage. And if that is the plan, it is being masterfully carried out.
Starting with the whole debacle that is the SURRENDER by the Biden Administration to the Taliban in Afghanistan. There is no other description for what happened on August 25th to 30th. It almost had to have been planned to fail so totally. The level of disaster in this action is just unfathomable. From the first move to the last one, so far, EVERY single action has been a total fail. But then again I’m told to believe this is ALL former President Trump’s fault? This makes me remember a phrase from my youth, “Don’t piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining.” But I digress.
Then to double down on the total fail of their dealing with the “Plandemic”, and then on the eve of the 20th Anniversary of the terror attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon by a gang of devout practicing moslems, President Biden announces his totally illegal experimental vaccine mandate. While at the same time, the CDC, the FDA and the NIH have been bullying multiple medical specialists to “sit down and shut up” if they’re talking about inexpensive and PROVEN SAFE FOR DECADES therapeutic drugs. Does any of this whole situation make any sense?
Then to top it all off, on the 20th Anniversary of 9-11, the worst President in the last 50 years, the dishonorable George W. Bush, spoke at the Memorial ceremony in Pennsylvania. And what did he have to say? That Patriotic U.S. Citizens, like myself, who are sounding the bell of Liberty, are to be seen as “Domestic terrorists”. And that We The People are to be equated with the islamist terrorists who carried out the 9-11 attacks. This from the Globalist’s whore who sacrificed great amounts of American Blood and Treasure to appease his pimps in the global Military-Industrial Complex. Yes, “I’m as mad as hell and I’m not gonna to take this anymore!” And I hope that you are too?
God Bless America! And America PLEASE Bless God Again!