While we are watching the Democrat-run cities across this Country being burned and looted in supposed “racial protest”, why are we not talking about the cause of the “oppression” of the Black Citizen that, I believe, is at the root of the current destruction of the Black community in the United States?
For more than half of a Century we have watched the actions of Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society” do everything possible to destroy the Black family. How have the policies of the “War on Poverty” been so devastating to the Black family? In a word, it’s responsibility. More correctly, it has been the total removal of personal responsibility from the Black community. I read an interesting statistic recently that just blew me away. What was it you ask? The statistic was that in 1963, the year before the signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, per capita, there were about the same number of Black children born in to two parent families as non-Black children. Really?
I was shocked when I read this. Why? Because today more that 70% of all Black children are born to unmarried mothers. So, the reasonable question at this point is, why? I say there is a one word answer, welfare. And I am more convinced every day that this was President Johnson’s plan. If not, why would welfare payments for children be influenced by whether or not there is a father in the house? Do people understand that by being married and having the father living in the house, regardless of income level; causes a young mother, and in turn a young family, to lose, or have reduced, their child’s food supplements? Or their child’s healthcare coverage? Their childcare assistance? I doubt it.
This may be the most sinister thing; of many, that the US national government has done in the last half century. And as I have learned more about who President Johnson really was, I have very little doubt that these were the exact results he was designing to achieve. The leftist historians have worked really hard to cover up what nasty racists President Johnson and his Democrat allies of the time were. They were very concerned that those “uppity” Colored people were starting to become way too independent and successful. And this could not be allowed to continue. But what were they to do to reverse this alarming trend?
The answer was to put a plan in place to destroy the single strongest foundational piece of the rising Black community, the family. You do this by making those in the black community dependent on government. How do you begin this process? First, you destroy the schools in the Black communities and “dumb down” their children. You do it by making them believe they are victims and that the government is going to “fix” their victim-hood. But instead, you bribe them to destroy themselves by convincing them that the government was the answer. Now, after 3+ generations of this plan, mission accomplished. And now this has become rooted in every community, not just the Black community.
So, what do we do now? Is there a way to reverse this destruction to the Country and the Culture? First answer, there is no magic bullet. Second answer, yes. But it will take radical change in some of the basic institutions of government. And sadly, I’m not sure we have enough people in this Country who have the will to stand. But there may be on a State-by-State basis. Where would I start?
First, how about we eliminate the current “marriage penalty”, then offer a temporary “marriage bonus” to incentivize good behavior in the low-income communities? I told you it would require radical action. Next, we MUST remove the national government from our classrooms and allow teachers to teach the next generation that what has destroyed our Culture is central government intervention. And to teach the FACT that the best chance for a child to succeed is to be raised in a stable two-parent family. And yes, that fathers ARE important. This will require the education system to reverse the current trend and actively bring the parents back in to the classroom. If we are going to rebuild our Country, we must begin by rebuilding our most basic foundation, the family.