On January 20, 2016 we “celebrated” the 7th anniversary of the Inauguration of the Meat-puppet in Chief and the rise to power of Chancellor Valerie Jarrett as the “Dear Leader” of the Thugocracy that is now the Executive Branch of our national government. There have been some good things and some very bad things that have happened in this past seven years. It should be noted that most of those bad things have happened in the national government and D.C. It should also be noted that the vast majority of the good things have happened outside of D.C. So, let’s start with the top 5 bad and that way we can end with the top 5 good and why I believe there is hope.
In the bad list-
#1. The multi-directional assault on the moral fiber and base Culture of our Country. Whether it’s gay “marriage”, creeping sharia, open borders policies that allow people who don’t see sex with children as a bad thing, the constant pushing of the Judeo-Christian Values out of the public square or ………….. you name it.
#2. The packing of the federal Courts. This is the longest-term potential damaging action. In the 2013-2014 Session of Congress it went almost unreported when then Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) suspended the filibuster rule and shoved through scores of hardcore Liberal-Progressive judges in to all levels of the inferior federal Courts. This is a cancer that can metastasize and must be attacked.
#3. The importation of people who would destroy US if they were given the chance. This is covered in detail in a previous edition of the Minuteman’s Minute here- https://4pba.com/the-growing-moslem-army/
#4. The destruction of the US Military. Through various ways of manipulation, the Jarrett Administration has drastically pushed cuts to ALL areas and branches of our military. In addition, the continual push to use our military as a social experimentation laboratory than to perform its specific purposes, to “break things and kill people” is undermining the military’s purpose. Then even more important to me in the long run, is the total loss of credibility of the VA to care for those who have served. This undermines the recruitment of the future generations of Warriors who will be critical going forward.
#5. OBAMACARE. I know many would put this at #1 because they believe that it is the biggest bad thing that happened in DC, because it directly reaches in to every community and in some way effects most every Citizen and resident. I have put it in at #5 because of its effect on the five good things that have happened.
Now the “good” list-
#1. We The People! The Jarrett Administration, and Obamacare in particular, have served as the catalyst for, “’It does not take a majority to prevail… but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.’ Samuel Adams”. Thanks to the radical Un-American agenda that has been pushed over the last seven years, millions of US Citizens have chosen to STAND and resist.
#2. The “new” news media explosion has totally changed the whole political, and maybe even more important, governance landscape. The fact that We The People can get “real time” information on what government is doing gives the chance to react before it’s a “done deal”.
#3. Building on #1, We The People have been taking our Country back by electing good people at the local, county and State level all across the Nation. The grassroots up takeover of the government is critical because from there is where the next generation of leaders will come.
#4. Common Core. I bet you didn’t see this coming on the “good” list. But the war against Common Core is the ultimate example of how We The People have awakened. For almost 50 years the national government has just pushed one education initiative after the other, from the Washington, DC educrats out in to our local schools, and nobody said or did anything. Then Common Core came along and the war was on. And We The People are winning. Even if some days it doesn’t seem like it. We’re winning because we’ve finally showed up.
#5. The States. The constant overreach by the Jarrett Administration and the national government has awakened the States from their decades of slumber. As the DC bureaucracies and courts have started and pushed dramatic and unacceptable overreaches, some of the States have stood in the breech. This is a welcome change and must be encouraged to continue and be expanded to other States, NO MATTER who the next President is.
I said in the opening paragraph that I believe there is hope. And not the “hopey/changey” kind of false hope that was the election of Barack Hussein Obama and his whole thugocracy, but REAL hope for the salvation and restoration of our grand Republic. And I truly believe we’re winning, even when a lot of days it may not seem like it. And it is all because it took this terrible President to awaken the “Sleeping Giant”.
God Bless America! And America, Bless God Again!